Digital content
for the Museum of the Bible
Each exhibit is an experiment, an opportunity to convey
Information through vivid visual images.

We do not just use the most advanced computer
simulation and simulation software. We explore and
discover the possibilities of the most digital environment,
every day plunging deeper and deeper.

This project is a real challenge for our artists, engineers
and programmers.

And we took it.

For example, the frame of this page is a water simulation
for the installation "Exodus"
One of the most striking episodes of the Bible!
Out of slavery to freedom!
Why was this event so important for the Jewish people?
Why is it important for us?
What did the people who passed through the sea feel?
What could we feel if we were in their place?
mountains on the coast at night
day landscape
the generation process of the landscape
the generation process of the landscape
the generation process of the landscape
Digital technology will allow visitors to pass in the middle of the
spread waves, to feel power of seawater over their heads
and to hear the sound of horses of army of the Pharaoh.
These experiences will help to capture the image of the
Exodus in the heart, and realize the importance of this
event. Thanks to real archaeological research, every
visitor will learn the amazing details of this event.

For us, this is the most difficult episode, because the
realism must be at the highest level, and this is a serious
challenge for the specialists who create this world and for
the graphic stations, which will calculate huge amounts of
data and visualize.

At the moment we are working on simulations of water
behavior, creating a huge number of tests, studying its
behavior in different conditions.
The most powerful tool that has been given to people!
Information transfer is only a small part of that potential,
which is inherent in this concept.

The universe was created by the Word!

Why is it different in our lives?
This is a great research, which is devoted to several installations.
The initial stage of the sculpture of the historical character
for the installation "Masters of the Word"
In the beginning was the Word
This is a large-scale historical project, the purpose of
which is to convey to the viewer the importance, beauty
and power of the Russian word, on the example of the
heritage left to us by the great Russian writers and
masters of Russian literature.

Passing the time and space people of the XXI century will
meet with the great Russian writers. Modern technical
innovations allow to create an exact 3D copy of historical characters, and 3D scanning of interior items of the past era - virtually move to the writers' office. Face-to-face
conversation with masters of Russian literature becomes
possible because of multimedia language. Great writers
will talk about the attitude to the word and biblical texts,
issues that were the subject of discussions with
contemporaries and much more.

Within the framework of this project it is planned to
prepare "modern" questions that the visitor of the Virtual
Museum can ask the historical character and answers - real
statements and thoughts of writers taken from their
diaries, literary works, personal correspondence, etc.
Installation "Alphabet"-
the first exhibit of the Museum of the Bible,
prepared for demonstration on plasma panels.

Human spirituality is directly related to the purity of
thoughts, and hence the purity of words. Creating the
alphabet-the Slavic letter-Greek missionaries Cyril and
Methodius saw the translation of the Bible into Russian as
their main task. For the formation of new thinking in each
letter was put a deep image, inseparable from the spiritual
values of the Bible.
You can participate in the project!
This project exists entirely on private donations and
If you think what we do is important, support us!
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